Do You Find Yourself Thinking...

“No one understands me”          “People only notice my work if it’s not done right”         “I can’t mess up”

                                    “I am always behind”                                          “Am I putting my soul in jeopardy”     

                  “I am missing out on so much family time”                           “I can’t keep going like this”

Numbers Speak

Nurse Burnout Statistics for 2022

Plan to quit current position by end of year
0 %
Plan to switch nursing roles
0 %
Plan to retire or quit
0 %

Work with me to learn how to prevent burnout

Working in healthcare is hard. It’s hard to juggle all that your job demands. You are trying your best in all areas of work and home life and feel like you are failing at everything. You are mentally and physically exhausted. 

Work with me and all of that will change! I will show you how to get out of that cycle of guilt, stress, overwhelm, and mental exhaustion. 

Catholic Coach

Nichole Haugen

Hi there! I am a cradle Catholic, wife, and mom to six girls. I have been a Registered Nurse for over 10 years. For many years I struggled with stress and overwhelm. I struggled day in and day out with my career, being a mom and wife. I thought if I got on a day shift life would be better. Then I got on a day shift and things weren’t better. I thought if my husband helped me more I would be able to focus more at work, but even when our relationship was great, work was a struggle. I thought if only the kids would listen, then I would be a better mom. My fear of failure was holding me back day in and day out.

Then I found life coaching! I realized it was in my power to stop the crushing doubt, fear and anxiety that I wasn’t doing enough or being enough. 

I work with clients through one on one coaching for 12 weeks. When you sign up for coaching with me I will show you how your thoughts are holding you back from being the nurse, wife, and mother that God is calling you to be.

How May I Help You?


Free Consult

Book your free consult to see that I am the right coach for you.

Work With Me

Are you ready to make changes in your life? I coach you one on one for 12 weekly sessions.  Sign up today!